Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Adams Reading

This reading was all about mechanics.

The first mechanic was space. Obviously the player must be able to fully understand and move around in the game, or the constructed, limited space the designer has created. There is also the idea of spaces within spaces, such as levels or rooms or confined areas in the game itself. After this mechanic came the idea of objects, the things gamers will interact with in your space. With objects come attributes  or the information about the object. Gamers always want to know what the best gun is or what sword will do the most damage. However, all these attributes should not be obvious. Along with attributes come stats, and those gamers are very familiar with. These interactions with these objects in the space are actions, which is the third mechanic. These actions are anything a player can do in the game, and event the simplest step and movement must be considered. These actions must be confidened, and so the next mechanic are the rules that constrain them.

All in all this reading was very interesting. Some aspects of mechanics that were talked about I already knew, but the reading went into details I hadn't even though of. Other aspects it brought up I had never through about, such as all the different types of rules that need to be thought about, not just the written. Also the mind boggling idea of the space a gamer has inside the game. I also found myself thinking more about how all the objects in my game are going to interact, and the unitended consiquences of these interactions.

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